Becoming a member
Anyone who lives, works or studies in Slough is welcome to join the library.It is free and you can join at any age, and membership of any of our libraries allows you to use all of Slough Libraries.
If you are under 8, your parent, guardian or carer may be required to be present to access certain services.
Register online
To join online, click on the button below to accept our terms and conditions and then enter your details on the screen.You will be given a borrower card number with your chosen personal identification number (PIN)
Conditions of membership
This number will let you make online reservations, create a profile of your interests and access our eLibrary Collections. This includes eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers and many other learning resources. You can download the Spydus Mobile app from your usual app provider and connect your account for a digital library card. If you want a physical library card you can collect one from your local Slough library.Acceptance
Click the button below to accept these conditions and proceed to the registration form.